Our Strength

(We have the patents for our Unique Products and Ideas)

1. Patent No.: 201621006531 - Smart FM Radio for Public Transportation

The invention relates to a Smart FM Radio device that is sized to fit into the Public Transportation System like Trains (Urban and Suburban), Metro Trains, Cabs, Auto rickshaws, and Ferry"s wherein the said device comprises broadcasting the FM radio content on the go.

The device of the present invention comprises a means for receiving FM radio signal and providing output through speakers.

Additionally the device comprises Oxygen and temperature sensors for the safety of the commuters. The device also comprises means for inputting recorded audio content.

2. Patent No.: 201621006543 - Improved Broadcasting Method for Public Transportation System using Smart FM Radio

The invention relates to an improved broadcasting method for public transportation system using smart FM radio that uses the ubiquitous FM signals or the recorded audio clips as an input, wherein the said method comprises broadcasting the content through the speakers placed in the compartment of the public transportation system like Trains (Both Suburban and Urban), Metro Trams, Mono Rails, Buses, Auto rickshaws, Cabs, Ferry's etc.

The method of present invention comprises a means for broadcasting or advertising the content with least possible pollution involved. Additionally, the method of the invention also helps in broadcasting live/ real time news to the masses at the fastest rate.

*Memorandum of Understanding (MOU):

We have technology MOUs signed with researchers in India, USA, Sweden and South Africa.